Commission Secretary Darrynn Harris-District 5

Darrynn Harris, a dedicated educator and public servant and a proud native of Bridgeville, Delaware, brings a deep-rooted commitment to the community to his role as a Commissioner of Bridgeville. Born and raised between Bridgeville and Greenwood, Darrynn’s passion for his hometown runs through his veins, shaping his dedication to improving the lives of its residents.

Growing up iDarryn Harrisn Bridgeville, Darrynn witnessed firsthand the challenges and opportunities facing his community. This firsthand experience ignited his drive to make a positive difference in the lives of his neighbors. A proud graduate of Woodbridge High School and Delaware State University, Darrynn chose to return to his beloved hometown, determined to contribute to its growth and prosperity. With a strong sense of civic duty and a desire to serve, Darrynn embarked on a path of community involvement, volunteering for various local initiatives and organizations.

Darrynn looks forward to involvement in neighborhood associations and advocacy groups, where he can champion causes close to the hearts of Bridgeville residents. His ability to listen to constituents, understand their concerns, and advocate on their behalf has earned widespread respect and support within the community.

Darrynn brings his wealth of local knowledge, integrity, and dedication to the table. He is committed to fostering economic development, improving infrastructure, and enhancing public services while preserving the unique character and heritage of Bridgeville.

As a longtime resident deeply rooted in the fabric of Bridgeville, Darrynn understands the aspirations and challenges of his fellow citizens. He approaches his role on the Commission with humility, empathy, and a firm belief in the power of community collaboration to build a brighter future for Bridgeville and its residents. Darrynn is the proud husband of Latoya and girl dad to Bryana, Makayla, and Kylar.