Posts Tagged With: “Bridgeville”

Notice of 2025 Municipal Election – Solicitation of Candidates

THE 2025 ELECTION HAS BEEN CANCELED. 2025 Election Cancellation Notice     NOTICE OF MUNICIPAL ELECTION   MARCH 1, 2025   CANDIDATE FILING DEADLINE – JANUARY 31, 2025   VOTER REGISTRATION DEADLINE – FEBRUARY 19, 2025   The Bridgeville Municipal Election will be held on Saturday, March 1, 2025, at the Bridgeville Public Library, 600 S. Cannon Street, between the hours of 12:00 PM and 7:00 PM. The Bridgeville Commissioners have established five Election Voting Districts for Municipal Elections. This year, Districts 1 and 4 residents will each vote for a candidate from their district to represent them on the Commission. All districts are for full two-year terms. Please note that the Town underwent Redistricting in 2022, and the districts have changed. If you are uncertain of your district, a voting district map is available for review at Bridgeville Town Hall and online at The Town is currently soliciting […]


Bridgeville PD 2023 Angel Tree

Would you like to help a family in your community this holiday season? This year, the Bridgeville Police Department will be hosting an Angel Tree! You might notice the officers wearing longer beards than normal; that’s because they are participating in “No Shave Winter!” They will be donating money towards our Angel Tree fund to be able to have longer facial hair while in uniform this winter. The funds will be used to buy gifts for this year’s adopted family.   How can you help? Starting November 20th, you can pick a tag from our Christmas Tree in the Police Department lobby for donation suggestions. New, unwrapped gifts can be returned to the PD by December 18th with the angel tag attached. If you do not wish to buy a gift but would still like to participate, we will accept monetary donations for wrapping paper and extra gifts for the […]


Get Ready for the 31st Annual Apple Scrapple Festival!

This weekend is our 31st Annual Apple Scrapple Festival in downtown Bridgeville – For all things Apple Scrapple related – check out their website here – You can find schedules, information on featured events, and maps. At the bottom of the page is an interactive MapHub map that shows you the festival layout, as well as the designated parking areas. PLEASE NOTE that parking has changed for this year’s festival – Parking As many of you know, the large lot on the south side of town near Heritage Shores is now being developed, so we have had to make some changes. We want first to thank the Heritage Shores developer Allen & Rocks/Brookfield, Murtaza family business, and Kenny Brothers Produce for their many years of support for allowing us to park in their fields. This year, we have north and west parking lots. The north lot is located on […]


17th Annual Charity Golf Tournament

Please join us for our 17th Annual Charity Golf Tournament! Follow this link to our event page, which has the event flyer, invitation letter, and tournament registration forms.  17th Annual Charity Golf Tournament Event Link The tournament will take place on October 13, 2023, at the Heritage Shores Clubhouse and is our kickoff event before the 31st Apple Scrapple Festival on October 13 and October 14, 2023. We hope you’ll sign up for an exciting day on the golf course, and remember, all proceeds for the event benefit Bridgeville community organizations, such as the Kiwanis Club of Bridgeville and Bridgeville Greater Area Lions Club! Can’t make the event? You can also make a general donation to support the event or even sponsor a tee sign and get some advertising for your business or organization! For any questions about the event, please contact Town Hall at (302) 337-7135 or by email […]


Comprehensive Plan Update Surveys Available!

Our page has gone live for our Comprehensive Plan Update Surveys.  There are two surveys currently available – one for residents of the town and one for non-residents or those who attend events in Bridgeville. However, you are welcome to complete either survey! Paper surveys were recently mailed out to all properties within the 19933 zip code – thanks to the grant and collaboration with Healthy Communities Delaware. In case you didn’t receive one, this is the letter that was sent, along with a paper copy of the survey and a return envelope.  Comp Plan Survey Letter  Please visit our Comprehensive Plan Update Page here to complete your survey and read more about our efforts in this update process – The more data received, the better for the planning process. This is the last outreach effort we will make before drafting our update, so we appreciate your time and […]


April 1, 2023 Tornado Disaster Relief Efforts

**IMPORTANT- PLEASE READ**   Over the last week, an alliance has formed of individuals and organizations around Bridgeville that have been working, gathering resources, and making plans to assist those impacted by the destruction caused by the April 1, 2023, F3 tornado. In that time, we have heard from many that wish to contribute funds – and today, we are proud to announce that the Bridgeville Lions Club has joined the team and is setting up a dedicated disaster relief fund. Any available funds will go directly to the needs and expenses of the families trying to recover from this catastrophic event. The Lions Club International Disaster Relief Program can also provide matching funds for our efforts. Please – if you are willing and able – now is the time to help. Donations can be sent directly to the Bridgeville Lions Club Foundation, PO Box 414, Bridgeville, DE 19933. We […]


Sussex County Scheduled to Perform Extensive Sewer Service Repairs in April

PDF of Letter To:  Bridgeville Residents & Businesses Re:  Sewer System Rehabilitation Project – March 28, 2023 Over the last year, the County has been inventorying and assessing the sewer system in Bridgeville.  As you may already know, Bridgeville’s sewer system is older and has many clay sewer mains, which are fragile and prone to cracks and leaks.  To make repairs without having to replace the entire system, the County has brought in Standard Pipe Services to clean, inspect, and repair the sewer lines with a lining system. The choice to line rather than replace the mains will minimize the impact on the public, both in the cost of the system to you and street accessibility while repairs are being made. The lining system provides structural support and seals pipe fractures, essentially creating a new pipe within a pipe. Repair work is scheduled to start in mid-April and is expected […]


Bridgeville Senior Center – March Calendar and Senior Shred Event on 3/13/23


Notice of 2023 Municipal Election – Solicitation for Candidates

TOWN OF BRIDGEVILLE NOTICE OF MUNICIPAL ELECTION MARCH 4, 2023 CANDIDATE FILING DEADLINE – FEBRUARY 3, 2023 VOTER REGISTRATION DEADLINE – FEBRUARY 22, 2023               The Bridgeville Municipal Election will be held on Saturday, March 4, 2023, at the Bridgeville Public Library, 600 S. Cannon Street, between the hours of 12:00 PM and 7:00 PM.             The Bridgeville Commissioners have established five Election Voting Districts for Municipal Elections. This year, residents in Districts 1, 3, and 4 will each vote for a candidate from their district to represent them on the Commission. Districts 1 and 4 are for full two-year terms, while District 3 is for the remainder of a one-year term. Please note that the Town underwent Redistricting in 2022, and the districts have changed. If you are uncertain of your district, a voting district map is available for review at Bridgeville Town Hall and online at  […]


*New* Rental Property License Procedure

Starting with 2023 Rental Property Licenses, there is a new procedure to follow. In 2022, the Commissioners voted to amend the existing Rental Property License Code with Ordinance 2022-05. This allows the Town to bring in an outside agency to perform rental inspections on rental properties – following the current building code. Since this is a new process, and we are all on a learning curve, we will be allowing inspections through February for rental properties this year. Once you submit your license application for your rental property, we will turn over the application lists to First State Inspection Agency, and inspections can then be coordinated.  To prepare for inspections – First State Inspection Agency has provided their checklist for property owners so that items can be corrected before the inspection is scheduled, saving reinspection time and costs. That checklist can be found here – – along with First […]