Ordinances and Resolutions
- Ordinance 1796 An Ordinance to Provide for the Codification of the Ordinances of the Town of Bridgeville
- Ordinance 115 Establish Nocturnal Curfew Applicable to Juveniles
- Ordinance 96-1 Amend Zoning Ordinance Relating to Annexation
- Ordinance 97-1 Amend Chapter 128 Section 1- Property & Capitation Tax
- Ordinance 97-2 Amend Chapter 128 Relating to Schedule of Charges and Fees of Sewer
- Ordinance 97-3 Amend Chapter 128 to Establish Fees
- Ordinance 98-1 Amend Minimum Fees Residential Sewer
- Ordinance 98-2 Levying Transfer Tax
- Ordinance 99-1 Granting Comcast a Non-Exclusive Franchise Agreement
- Ordinance 99-1 Amend Chapter 234 Planning Commission
- Ordinance 99-2 Amend Chapter 222 Noise
- Ordinance 1-2000 Garbage and Refuse Collection
- Ordinance 2-00 Amend Ch. 128 Relating to Sewer Impact Fees
- Ordinance 01-1 Amend Chapter 234 Car Sales Agencies
- Ordinance 01-2 Vendors in Town Apple Scrapple Festival Chapter 172 Section 172-4
- Ordinance 01-3 National Flood Insurance
- Ordinance 01-4 Amend Chapter128 Rates
- Ordinance 01-5 Amend Chapter 96 Building Construction Fees
- Ordinance 01-6 Amend Chapter 128 Section 2 Paragraph H Impact Fees
- Ordinance 01-7 An Ordinance to Amend Chapter 84 Animals (Not Adopted)
- Ordinance 01-8 An Ordinance to Amend Chapter 128 Fees (Not Adopted)
- Ordinance 01-9 Absentee Voting
- Ordinance A02-1 Adopting a Comprehensive Land Use Plan
- Ordinance A02-2 Use Regulations C-1 Commercial District
- Ordinance A02-3 Conditional Use of Property
- Ordinance A02-4 Amend Chapter 132-2 Fence Heights
- Ordinance A02-5 Amend 234-33 Off Street Parking
- Ordinance A02-6 – Abandoned, Wrecked, Junked Vehicles (Not Adopted)
- Ordinance A02-7 Zoning Large Commercial Building
- Ordinance A02-8 Ordinance to Amend Chapter 234 to Establish RPC Districts
- Ordinance A02-9 Amend Chapter 128 EDUs
- Ordinance A03-1 Amend Chapter 234 to Add Agricultural Industrial Overlay Zone
- Ordinance A03-2 Dangerous Buildings
- Ordinance A03-3 Emergency Services Funding Program
- Ordinance A03-4 Applications for Zoning Permits
- Ordinance A03-5 Building Permit Fees
- Ordinance A03-6 An ordinance to Amend Ordinance A02-8 – Chapter 234 RPC
- Ordinance A03-7 Amend Chapter 222 Relating to Vehicles and Traffic
- Ordinance A03-8 Grant a Conditional Use in R-1 For Home Decor Retail Sales – Miltenberger
- Ordinance A03-8 (2) Snow and Ice Removal
- Ordinance A04-1 Amend Chapter 128 Fees
- Ordinance A04-2 Amend Chapter 234-40 Regulating Sign Placements
- Ordinance A04-3 Abandoned or Inoperable Vehicles
- Ordinance A04-4 Regulation of Swimming Pools
- Ordinance A04-5 Amend Chapter 128 Fees for Meter Pits
- Ordinance A04-6 Grant a Conditional Use in R-1 For a Daycare/Learning Center – Royal
- Ordinance A04-7 Zoning Map Amendment
- Ordinance A04-8 Amend Chapter 90 – Brush, Grass and Weeds
- Ordinance A05-1 Amend Chapter 84 Farm Animals
- Ordinance A05-2 Amend Handicapped Sign Requirements
- Ordinance A05-3 Amend Parking of Certain Vehicles & Trailers
- Ordinance A05-4 Amend Code to include Above Ground Swimming Pools
- Ordinance A05-5 Amend Chapter 190
- Ordinance A05-6 Amend Chapter 96 Adopting the International Building Code
- Ordinance A05-7 Creation of the Heritage Shores Special Tax District
- Ordinance A05-8 Grant a Conditional Use in a C-1 for a Mini Storage Facility-Rafail
- Ordinance A05-9 Adoption of Land Use and Development Code
- Ordinance A06-1 Sexual Offenders
- Ordinance A06-2 Amend Section 128-1 Annexation Fees
- Ordinance A06-3 Reduction of the Property Tax Rate
- Ordinance A06-4 Creation of New Chapter on Public Peace and Safety
- Ordinance A06-5 Grant Conditional Use in R-1 for a Daycare/Learning Center
- Ordinance A06-6 Amending Sec 234-45 Article 11 Parking Commercial Vehicles in Residential Zones
- Ordinance A06-7 Adopt Amended Comprehensive Plan
- Ordinance A06-Amend Chapter 234-RPC Standards (Not Adopted)
- Ordinance A07-1 Ordinance to Amend Chapter 128 Relating to Fees
- Ordinance A07-2 Ordinance to Amend Chapter 128 relating to fees to create Penalty
- Ordinance A07-3 Ordinance Relating to the Hours of Construction (Not Adopted)
- Ordinance A07-4 Chesapeake Utilities Franchise Agreement
- Ordinance A07-5 Grant Conditional Use R-1 for Daycare 11 Church
- Ordinance A07-6 Ordinance to Regulate the Use of Skateboards 081307
- Ordinance A07-7 Addressing and Street Names
- Ordinance A07-8 Amend Chapter 128 Typographical Error Ord 01-4 Sewer Rates
- Ordinance A07-9 Ordinance Establishing Election Voting Districts
- Ordinance A08-1 Amend Chapter 19 Relating to Emergency Management
- Ordinance A08-2 Amending Chapter 84 Ownership of Dogs
- Ordinance A08-3 Amending Sewer Impact Fees
- Ordinance A08-4 Amending General Charges & Fees (Unsigned)
- Ordinance A08-5 Amending Sewer Water & Public Works Agreements
- Ordinance A08-6 Amending Chapter 234 – Land Use And Development (Not Adopted)
- Ordinance A08-7 Ordinance Amending Chapter 128 relating to Water & Sewer Fees
- Ordinance A08-8 Amending Chapter 205 Swimming Pools
- Ordinance A08-9 Amending Chapter 172 Peddling & Soliciting
- Ordinance A08-10 Amending Code General Charges
- Ordinance A08-11 Ordinance Amend Chapter 210 Taxation Sub 11
- Ordinance A08-12 Ordinance Amending Zoning Map RPC
- Ordinance A08-13 Amend Chapter 96 Building Construction
- Ordinance A09-1 Amend Chapter 128 Relating Fees to Correct Inconsistent Water & Sewer Charges
- Ordinance A09-2 Creating New Chapter Relating to Alarms
- Ordinance A09-3 Historic District Overlay
- Ordinance A09-4 Amend Chapter 222 Stop Intersections
- Ordinance A09-5 Amend Chapter 222 Designated Streets Heritage Shores Streets Acceptance
- Ordinance A09-6 Repealing Articles I through VI Chapter 222 Vehicles & Traffic
- Ordinance A09-7 Amend Chapter 190 Best Management Practices Controlling Discharges Silver Process Wastewater
- Ordinance A09-8 Amend Chapter 128 Fees-Garbage
- Ordinance A09-9 Amend Zoning Map RPC
- Ordinance A09-10 Amend Chapter 190 Pretreatment Best Management Practices
- Ordinance A10-1 Amend Ch. 234 Planning and Zoning Commission
- Ordinance A10-2 Financial Good Standing – “Clean Hands” Ordinance
- Ordinance A10-3 New Chapter-Rights of Way Maintenance and Care (Not Adopted)
- Ordinance A10-4 Amend Ch. 128 to Increase the Property Tax Rate
- Ordinance A10-5 Amend Ch. 128 to Increase the Rates for Water and Sewer
- Ordinance A10-6 Amend Ch. 128 General Charges and Fees-Variance, Zoning, and Conditional Use Hearings
- Ordinance A10-7 Amend Ch. 128 Building Permit Fees
- Ordinance A10-8 New Chapter Requiring the Registering and Licensing of all Residential Rental Units in Town
- Ordinance A10-9 New Chapter Requiring the Registering and Licensing of Businesses in Town (Not Adopted)
- Ordinance A10-10 Amend Ch. 234 to Increase the Number of Major Recreational Equipment on a Residential Lot (Not Adopted)
- Ordinance A10-11 Amend the Zoning District for Wheatley Farms from R-1/RPC to R-1/AIOZ
- Ordinance A11-1 Amend Ch. 90 as it Related to Brush, Grass, and Weeds
- Ordinance A11-2 Amend the Zoning District for Baldwin Family Farms and Hayground D. Inc., from R-1 to R-1/AIOZ
- Ordinance A11-3 Amend the Zoning District for 101 Elliott Drive (Not Adopted)
- Ordinance A11-4 Conditional Use for a two-family dwelling in R-1 – 101 Elliot Drive
- Ordinance A11-5 Requirement for Licenses for Contractors and Subcontractors
- Ordinance A11-6 Election Districts
- Ordinance A11-7 Amend Ch. 234-22 Preliminary Development Plan Extensions
- Ordinance A12-1 Amend Ch. 84 Relating to Exemptions from the Dangerous Dog Ordinance
- Ordinance A12-2 Amend Code Relating to Violations and Penalties
- Ordinance A12-3 Amend Ch. 234-22 Requirement for Development Plan Approvals for Certain Permitted Uses
- Ordinance A13-1 Conditional Use for a Gasoline Station-DMS Development/Wawa
- Ordinance A13-2 Amend Ordinance A12-2
- Ordinance A13-3 Amend Ch. 84-Violations and Penalties Relating to Dogs
- Ordinance A13-4 O’Leary Zoning Change form R-1 to TC
- Ordinance 13-5 Amend Ch.234 to Require Landscaping Plans in RPCs and Subdivisions
- Ordinance 13-6 Amend Ch. 90-Brush, Grass, and Weeds by Adding Exemptions
- Ordinance 13-7 Conditional Use for a Place of Worship- Christ’s Church of New Hope
- Ordinance 13-8 Amend Ch. 234 to Authorize the Town to Modify the Development Standards of an RPC
- Ordinance 13-9 Amend Ch. 128 for Sewer and Water Impact Fees
- Ordinance 13-10 Conditional Use for Three Billboards-F.E.D. Investments
- Ordinance 13-11 Maintenance and Care of Rights of Way and Curbs, Sidewalks, Bike Paths, Walk Paths or Swales
- Ordinance 14-1 Amend Ch. 128-1D for Water and Sewer Rates for Non-metered Residential Customers
- Ordinance 14-2 Amend the Zoning District for Passwaters Holding Company, LLC
- Ordinance 14-3 Amend Ch. 128 to Increase the Rates for Water and Sewer
- Ordinance 14-4 Amend Ch. 128 to Increase the Property Tax Rate
- Ordinance 14-5 Ch 234-Billboard Regulations US13
- Ordinance 14-6 HS Bonds
- Ordinance 14-7 Amending and Restating Operating and Capital Budgets FY15
- Ordinance 14-8 Conditional Use Mini-Storage
- Ordinance 15-1 Flood Damage Prevention
- Ordinance 15-2 Reduction H.S. Special Tax
- Ordinance 15-3 Amend-Restate Operating-Capital Budget
- Ordinance 15-4 Pet Realty Zoning Changing M-1 to C-1
- Ordinance 15-5 Conditional Use Beauty Salon
- Ordinance 16-1 Source Water Protection
- Ordinance 16-2 Waste Water Specific Pollutant Limitations
- Ordinance 16-3 Description of Election Voting Districts- to add 502 S. Main St. to Election Dist. #5
- Ordinance 17-1 Vacant buildings & dwelling units registration w/in Town of Bridgeville.
- Ordinance 17-2 Control of Noise
- Ordinance 17-3 Designated Streets (New streets added from Heritage Shores
- Ordinance 17-4 Annexation of 22,297 sq. ft–Ghulam Dastgir, L.L.C.
- Ordinance 17-5 Dangerous Dogs Amendment Chapter 84
- Ordinance 18-1 Adopting an Updated Comprehensive Plan Land Use Plan
- Ordinance 18-2 Amendment to Chapter 193 relating to Sex Offenders
- Ordinance 18-3 Amend Chapter 128- Relating to Fees to increase the Property Tax Rate
- Ordinance 18-4 Amend Chapter 1, Section 1-16; Adding a New Chapter 110 Business Licenses
- Ordinance 18-5 Amend Chapter 138-Relating to Flood Damage Reduction
- Ordinance 19-1 Annexation of 69,662 Sq. Feet-David C. Ludema
- Ordinance 19-2 Wireless Communication Facilities
- Ordinance 19-3 Amend Chapter 234-Recreational Equipment
- Ordinance 19-4 Amend 2018 Comprehensive Plan; Correct Mapping Errors
- Ordinance 19-5 Annexation of 3.1047 acres-Balsamo & Norino Property
- Ordinance 19-6 Amend Chapter 200-Solid Waste
- Ordinance 20-1 Amend Updated 2018 Comprehensive Plan to Substitute Future Land Use Maps
- Ordinance 20-2 Amend to Provide for Notice of Tort Claims and for the Defense and Indemnification of Town Officers and Employees
- Ordinance 20-3 Amend to Provider for the Appointment and Removal of a Town Manager
- Ordinance 20-4 Amend Chapter 217 as it relates to Vacant Building Registration
- Ordinance 20-5 Refund of HS Bonds
- Ordinance 20-6 Amending Land Use Dev. Code as it relates to Parks, Playgrounds, Rec Areas or Rec Buildings in Residential Areas.
- Ordinance 20-7 Amending Land Use Dev. Code as it relates to Property Dev. Standards for Accessory Buildings & Structures to Permit Garages in side & rear yards.
- Ordinance 20-8 Amending Land Use Dev. Code as it relates to Retail Stores, Convenience and Gasoline Stations & Convenience Center Uses in C-1, TC & M-1 Districts.
- Ordinance 20-9 Amending Land Use Dev. Code as it relates to Property Dev Standards for Apartments in Multifamily Residential District (R-2)
- Ordinance 20-10 Amending the Zoning District Designation for the Lands of Bridgeville Development Co.
- Ordinance 20-11 Annexation of 6,450 Square Feet, Donald W. Cornish
- Ordinance 21-01 Amending Land Use Dev. Code as it relates to Day-Care, Child Day-Care Centers in R-1, R-2, and TC Districts.
- Ordinance 22-01 Amending Chapter 229, Water- to Add Article VI, Relating to Cross-Connection Control Assemblies for the protection of Public Potable Water Supplies
- Ordinance 22-02 Amending Chapter 17, Article II as it relates to the Description of Election Voting Districts within the Boundaries of the Town of Bridgeville
- Ordinance 22-03 Amending Chapter 128 as it relates to fees to increase the rates for water
- Ordinance 22-04 Amending Chapter 222 Designated Street – Streets added within Heritage Shores
- Ordinance 22-05 Amending Chapter 180-6 as it relates to the cost of Rental Property Inspections
- Ordinance 22-06 Amending Chapter 84 as it related to Farm Animals
- Ordinance 22-07 Amending Chapter 17 as it relates to the Town’s Voter Registration System
- Ordinance 23-01 Amending Chapter 110 Prohibiting the Production and Sale of Marijuana in the Town of Bridgeville
- Ordinance 23-02 Amending Chapter 234-15.1 Clarifies that Self-Storage Facility is not considered a Warehouse as defined in the Town of Bridgeville Code
- Ordinance 23-03 Amending Chapter 128, Section 128-1 as it relates to Fees
- Ordinance 23-04 An Ordinance Annexing into Town Limits the Lands of Reaniti, LLC
- Ordinance 23-05 An Ordinance to Authorize an Additional $36,550,000 in Special Obligation Bonds for the Heritage Shores Special Tax Development District
- Ordinance 23-06 An Ordinance to Create a New Chapter of the Code as it relates to Nuisance Properties
- Ordinance 24-01 An Ordinance Repealing Sections of Code Governing the Regulation of the Sewer System within the Town of Bridgeville
- Ordinance 24-02 An Ordinance to Amend Chapter 128 Relating to Fees: Property Tax Increase
- Ordinance 24-03 An Ordinance to Amend Chapter 222 Relating to Designated Streets- Streets added within Heritage Shores
- Ordinance 24-04 An Ordinance to Amend Chapter 1, Article II relating to Violations and Penalties
- Ordinance 24-05 Amending Chapter 222 Relating to Designated Streets- Streets added within Heritage Shores
- Ordinance 24-06 An Ordinance to Adopt the International Property Maintenance Code
- Ordinance 24-07 An Ordinance Annexing into Town Limits the Lands of Silvestre Villalobos Velez
- Ordinance 25-01 An Ordinance to Adopt the International Building Code
Recent Resolutions
- Resolution 14-2 HS Phase 3A Approval
- Resolution 14-3 FY15 Budget Adoption
- Resolution 14-4 FY15 Capital Program Adoption
- Resolution 15-1 CPCN Authorizations
- Resolution 15-2 Smith Annex. 4-13-15
- Resolution 15-3 Downtown Master Plan Charrette 4-13-15
- Resolution 15-4 FY-2016 Budget 6-8-15
- Resolution 15-5 Funding for WWTP 6-8-15
- Resolution 15-6 Dollar General Settlement Authorization
- Resolution 15-7 2015 Golf Proceeds
- Resolution 15-8 Dang Building 17 Church St
- Resolution 15-9 Amend and Restate Resolution 15-3
- Resolution 16-1 Fy-2017 Budget
- Resolution 16-2 Adoption of the FY-2017 Capital Budget
- Resolution 16-3 Golf Tournament Beneficiaries
- Resolution 16-4 Approve the Asset Management Planning Process
- Resolution 16-5 Appoint Dangerous Building Inspection Committee (410-412 Market St.)
- Resolution 16-6 Emory St. Closure/donation to Bridgeville Cemetery Association
- Resolution 16-7 Refinance USDA/DNREC Loan Commitments
- Resolution 17-1 Demolition of 410-412 Market St.
- Resolution 17-2 Adoption 2017 Budget Amendment
- Resolution 17-3 Finance-Refinance outstanding debt
- Resolution 17-4 Fiscal Year 2017 Budget Amendment Adoption
- Resolution 17-5 Participation in DEDO Program
- Resolution 17-6 Adoption FY-2018 Budget
- Resolution 17-7 Adoption of the S.C. Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan
- Resolution 17-8 Adoption of the FY-2017 Capital Improvement Program Budget
- Resolution 17-9 Authorizing the Town Manager to Petition Sussex County to Establish a Sanitary Sewer District and to Enter into a Contract for the County to Operate the Bridgeville Sewerage System.
- Resolution 17-10 HS Phase 4A Approval
- Resolution 18-1 Fiscal Year 2018 Budget Amendment Adoption
- Resolution 18-2 Adoption of the FY-2018 Capital Improvement Program Budget
- Resolution 18-3 HS Phase 4B Approval
- Resolution 18-4 Adoption FY-2019 Budget
- Resolution 18-5 Adoption Amendments to the Town of Bridgeville’s Personnel Policy
- Resolution 18-6 Adoption of the FY19 Capital Improvement Program Budget
- Resolution 18-7 HS Phase 4C Approval
- Resolution 18-8 Appoint Dangerous Building Inspection Committee (107 S. Main St.)
- Resolution 19-1 Fiscal Year 2019 Budget Amendment Adoption
- Resolution 19-2- Approving the Landscaping Plan for the Bridgeville South District
- Resolution 19-3-Adoption of the FY-2019 Capital Improvement Program Budget
- Resolution 19-4 Declare the shed at 107 S. Main Street a Dangerous Building
- Resolution 19-5 Appoint Dangerous Building Inspection Committee (502 N. Cannon)
- Resolution 19-6 Designate Downtown Development District within the Town of Bridgeville
- Resolution 19-7 Adoption FY-2020 Operating Budget
- Resolution 19-8 Adoption of the FY20 Capital Improvement Program Budget
- Resolution 19-9 Declare 502 N. Cannon Street a Dangerous Building
- Resolution 19-10 2019 Golf Tournament Proceeds
- Resolution 20-01 Authorize Jesse Savage to Represent the Commissioners of Bridgeville in Pending Litigation
- Resolution 20-02 Fiscal Year 2020 Budget Amendment Adoption
- Resolution 20-03 FY-2021 Operating Budget
- Resolution 20-04 FY-2021 Capital Improvement Program Budget
- Resolution 20-05 FY Authorize the Town Manager to Apply for Loans and Grants
- Resolution 20-06 Golf Tournament Proceeds
- Resolution 21-01 Amendment to Phase 3, Section 3B Development Plans Bridgeville South RPC District
- Resolution 21-02 Amendment to Phase 4, Section 4B Development Plans Bridgeville South RPC District
- Resolution 21-03 Procurement of Material and Services
- Resolution 21-04 FY-2022 Operating Budget
- Resolution 21-05 Declare 6 Gum Street a Hazard to Life and Property and a Common Public Nuisance
- Resolution 21-06 Declare 508 N. Cannon Street a Hazard to Life and Property and a Common Public Nuisance
- Resolution 21-07 Declare 207 First Street Street a Hazard to Life and Property and a Common Public Nuisance
- Resolution 21-08 Declare 116 First Street to Life and Property and a Common Public Nuisance
- Resolution 21-09 FY-2022 Capital Improvement Program Budget
- Resolution 21-10 Golf Tournament Proceeds
- Resolution 22-01 Authorize Town Manager to Apply for Loads and Grants-USDA Rural Development-US Dept. of AG
- Resolution 22-02 Authorize Town Manager to Apply for Loads and Grants-Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF)
- Resolution 22-03 FY-2023 Operating Budget
- Resolution 22-04 FY2023 Capital Improvements Budget
- Resolution 22-05 Golf Tournament Proceeds
- Resolution 23-01 Adoption of the Sussex County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Program
- Resolution 23-02 FY2023 Operating Budget Amendment
- Resolution 23-03 Declare 510 N Cannon a Dangerous Building
- Resolution 23-04 Adoption FY2024 Operating Budget
- Resolution 23-05 Adoption FY2024 Capital Improvement Program Budget
- Resolution 23-06 Amendment to FY2024 Capital Improvement Program Budget
- Resolution 23-07 Golf Tournament Proceeds
- Resolution 23-08 Adoption Town of Bridgeville Personnel Policy Amendments
- Resolution 24-01 Adoption Town of Bridgeville FY-2024 Operating Budget Amendment
- Resolution 24-02 Adoption Town of Bridgeville FY-2024 Operating Budget Amendment
- Resolution 24-03 Adoption Town of Bridgeville FY-2025 Operating Budget
- Resolution 24-04 Adoption Town of Bridgeville FY-2025 Capital Improvement Program Budget
- Resolution 24-05 Adoption Rules of Procedure for the Commissioners of Bridgeville
- Resolution 24-06 Golf Tournament Proceeds